Ahu ʻAilāʻau
Ahu ʻAilāʻau painting depicts the flow of lava as it destroys the rainforest paradise of Puna along the beaches of Hawaii. Ahi'ahi painting is the original rendering and available in print(original is three separate panels each 20.00" by 30.00".
Purchase Information:
Keep in mind when purchasing an orginal painting such as "Ahu ʻAilāʻau", there is only one original painting. Paintings are sold on a first come bases, so If a painting is sold before your purchase, the purchaser before you will receive the painting afterwhich you will be notified and you will receive a refund.
Print copies of originial paintings may be purchased.
See Below.
45 Products with Image of Michael's Paintings
Wall Art Canvas Prints, Framed Prints, Posters, Wood Prints, Metal Prints, Acrylic Prints, and Tapestries
*Enhanced giclee prints on retouched with oils by Michael to bring out brightness of hues of color. Signed and numbered.