China Cove Beach Carmel, Ca.
California Central Coast Original Oil Painting, "China Cove Beach" Carmel, California. China Cove Beach is renowned for its brilliant white sand beach, emerald green cove with a tiny pocket beach in with a tiny pocket beach in Point Lobos State Natural Reserve near Carmel, California. It's a narrow deep sandy beach surround by rock walls. At low tide you can find a small cave and a rock arch in the south wall. China beach cove is now closed because the seals has taken over the beach.
Purchase Information:
Keep in mind when purchasing an orginal painting such as "China Cove Beach Carmel, Ca.", there is only one original painting.
Paintings are sold on a first come bases, so If a painting is sold before your purchase, the purchaser before you will receive the painting, afterwhich you will be notified and you will receive a refund.
he painting afterwhich you will be notified and you will receive a refund.
Print copies of originial paintings may be purchased.
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45 Products with Image of Michael's Paintings
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*Enhanced giclee prints on retouched with oils by Michael to bring out brightness of hues of color. Signed and numbered.