Original Oil Painting by Michael Silbaugh
"Expectation" original oil painting by Michael Silbaugh. Done in brilliant colors so that one will not stop looking at the painting. Thus becoming the focal of the room. Sizes 36" by 48" unframed. The artwork is a colorful painting depicting a vibrant sunset over a seascape. The sun, positioned on the left side of the composition, radiates a dynamic array of yellow and orange beams that stretch across the sky and reflect on the undulating surface of the sea. The sky is a tapestry of rich blues, fiery oranges, and subtle whites that blend to form a dramatic cloud formation. On the right, there is a silhouette of a headland with a cluster of palm trees which enhances the tropical mood of the scene. The sea itself is rendered with brisk, textured strokes of blue, green, white, and hints of red and orange, conveying the movement of the water as it laps onto shore. The overall effect is one of warmth and luminosity, inviting the viewer into a serene, yet spirited natural setting.
Purchase Information:
Keep in mind when purchasing an orginal painting such as "Expectation", there is only one original painting.
Paintings are sold on a first come bases, so If a painting is sold before your purchase, the purchaser before you will receive the painting afterwhich you will be notified and you will receive a refund.
Pprint copies of originial paintings may be purchased.
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*Enhanced giclee prints on retouched with oils by Michael to bring out brightness of hues of color. Signed and numbered.