McWay Falls Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park
McWay Falls Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park artwork showcases a vibrant landscape scene characterized by a body of water with distinct blue tones that create an impression of reflection and movement. The water originate from a cascading waterfall on the left, which is partially obscured by clusters of green trees. Rugged terrain with rocky outcrops borders the falls to the ocean and are densely covered with verdant trees and foliage, suggesting a rustic, untamed environment. The top part of the image features a lighter blue sky, providing contrast to the darker tones of the greenery and water. The overall composition is rich in texture and color, conveying a sense of being close to nature.
Michael Silbaugh oil painting of McWay Falls is an 80-foot-tall waterfall on the coast of Big Sur in central California that flows year-round from McWay Creek in Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park, about 37 miles south of Carmel, into the Pacific Ocean. During high tide, it is a tidefall, a waterfall that empties directly into the ocean.
The other tidefall is Alamere.
McWay Falls Height: 80′
Number of drops: 1
Location: Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park, Big Sur, Monterey County, California, United States
Purchase Information:
Keep in mind when purchasing an orginal painting such as "McWay Falls Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park", there is only one original painting. Paintings are sold on a first come bases, so If a painting is sold before your purchase, the purchaser before you will receive the painting afterwhich you will be notified and you will receive a refund.
See print copies of originial paintings that may be purchased. See other images Below.
45 products with Image of Michael's Paintings
Framed Prints, Posters, Wood Prints,
Metal Prints, Acrylic Prints, and Tapestries
*Enhanced giclee prints are retouched with oils by Michael to bring out brightness of hues of color. Signed and numbered.